пятница, 19 января 2018 г.

All in the world are divided into masters and slaves

Near the inscription "Metropolis" Fritz Lang 1927-year "is a postscript" Kinoavangard ". Probably, everything is said here. While there were no computer special effects, visual entertainment was achieved only with the help of full-scale scenery and extras, when the world did not know the color film, there was no technique for sounding films, in general, when there was a cinema in infancy, the director came from Vienna Fritz Lang looked into the future, returned from there (probably, he managed to do this with Georges Meles, another great innovator of the cinema) and shot a tape that became not only a national treasure, but also a world heritage, and not only on in the film, but also in the arts in general. He owns the first stroke of the pen in the cinema, when the genres of fantasy and anti-utopia found their reflection not only in books (the idea of ​​"Metropolis" belongs to the writer Tee von Harbou, then she was Lanza's wife), but also on film. Then you can find in all the tapes of this genre the influence of what Fritz Lang created.

Watch Metropolis online free here below.

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The gloomy, viscous, terrible atmosphere of the film still passes through you, if you look at this picture. As in Dante Alighieri's "Divine Comedy", you imagine his Hell, and you yourself understand that you live in Paradise, so you see Lang's folly of the inequality of different classes of people. And the technological city is divided into two parts. And not in the abstract understanding of the different layers, but naturally you see how under the ground without rest in hard labor there are people with the help of which others living on the surface live as if in an oasis in the midst of a heat-wracking desert. Slaves and masters, masters and slaves - this is the distinct division from Fritz Lang and Thee von Harbow, clearly demonstrated in Metropolis. And beyond the window of 2015, the film Langa 88 years old, but nothing has changed - someone is working without bending his back, and someone is counting the steps in the chic rooms, thinking about which of the respectable restaurants he will have dinner today. So those who call Fritz Lang a seer can continue to calmly be sure of their rightness.

But all of the above refers to the anti-utopia created by Lang and his wife, and in fact we must not forget that in Metropolis a large part of the film refers to fiction. Do you remember how Isaac Azimov invented robots on the pages of his fantastic works, which then became very similar to us? So, there is such a suspicion that Azimov drew inspiration for his fantasies about the future of the works of Lang and Thee von Harbaugh. They are very convincing, I guess, in the 20s of the last century, they surprised, shocked the audience with the plausibility of how mechanisms similar to people (the term "robot" did not exist in those days) take our places and what threat they can carry to all mankind. It's amazing that a film made so long with its visual impact brings emotions more than the expensive special effects that the films of the comics DC and Marvel are famous for. That's where the spirit of realism remains - in Metropolis, and not in the current blockbuster.

It should be mentioned and about the actors who played in this epoch-making film. Traditionally, for black and white cinema, which, when shown on white sheets, was supported by the piano accompaniment so that the viewer could feel the spirit of the picture more strongly, the actors are very, very emotionally working with facial expressions and gestures. In view of the fact that their words could not then be heard, all the feelings were transmitted in such a way as to give the viewer the closest possible understanding of what is happening on the screen. In this respect, Gustav Frohlich, who allowed himself to try to destroy the world where there are masters and slaves, was the most successful, although he himself belonged to the privileged class. Such a humanism is only welcome, but, having broken the system, has it not only made it worse? It will be necessary for you to decide, the dear spectator. Alfred Abel and Brigitta Helm will also leave a lasting impression, and Helm will even perform in two swarms at Metropolis, demonstrating a vivid actor's talent, where such contrasting images the actress will convincingly convey to the public.

For its time, "Metropolis" - is a giant leap forward in the future of cinema. Huge scenery, numerous extras - everything was put on the altar of art, which soon turned into one of the fastest growing and even after almost a century to stop not going. Fritz Lang was clearly ahead of his time and, perhaps, became Jules Verne from the movie. Eternal film, forever recorded in the annals of history. What kind of assessment can there be, because we do not put Monet Lisa on them, just like Pushkin's work. Brilliant, and that's it.

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