пятница, 19 января 2018 г.

Irony of Fritz Lang

The film is very interesting to watch when you understand what time it was shot. The time when the first five-year plan was planned in the USSR, the time when Adolf Hitler published the second volume of "Mein Kapf". Well lived in Germany, cinematographers ... Inflation of the German brand gave impetus to the rapid rise of cinema in Germany. During this period, Fritz Lang took off almost all of his great films. He rose to such a level when he could be entrusted with a huge amount of money for a movie epic. Lang did not miss the chance and made a film that is a work of art for all time.

It's hard to describe your feelings after watching (you have to watch it on the big screen). But if you look at it objectively, then the plot is not thought out in my opinion. For example, what is the point of the Metropolitan head to deprive the slaves of his savior, a woman who gives people hope for the best? In any case, it's very stupid. And the mad scientist Rothwang does not mind. He needs revenge for unhappy love. Everything is clear here. The rest of the tests for young lovers were at least dangerous for life, but I do not want to worry about them ... Again, in terms of drama this film can not be considered. There is a stunning background - no, it's not even multi-million dollar scenery or special effects. This is the theme of the film itself, which is framed by an epigraph at the beginning and end of the film:

"There must be a heart between the head and the hands"

Think about this phrase ... What did the director want to say? It's an anti-utopia, guys. This can never be. The long history of mankind proves this. This is irony in its pure form. Theoretically it was beautiful, beautiful ... in practice, it turned into multi-million human victims. The film ends not with a hand, but with another catastrophe.

Fritz Lang is a Jew. He made a film that was yelling at the whole planet:

"Guys, look back! Have you seen? Now look what will happen to you! "

Yes, we must look, watch and look again! Read a lot and think with your head. And however, such people - units. This little changes.

That's why I love this movie.

9 out of 10

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