Against the backdrop of the evening Manhattan, under the gorgeous melodies of Greshvin, an uneasy, and at the same time, ordinary story of Isaac (Woody Allen), a representative of the elite of that time, a successful writer, unfolds. His character is over 40, he meets a girl who is 17, and their relationship is simple and warm.
“I think that something is wrong in me, since none of my connections with a woman lasted longer than that of Hitler and Eva Braun”
The film sparkles an incredibly thin, filigree humor. It would seem a simple story, but the performance itself is so authoritative, so warm that you don’t notice how you already feel sympathy for Isaac, or for Woody Allen himself, and you empathize with the characters, although you don’t always understand them.
“My wife went to another woman. But I took it quite steadfastly. I tried to crush her with a car. ”
We see literally half a dozen characters, but each of them is special, thoughtful, characteristic. Seeing the young Meryl Streep is breathtaking. Her role, albeit secondary, but thoughtful, sharp.
The film is lyric. the main character is looking for the meaning of life, looking for himself, philosophizing, thinking about art and living a full life. Now and today. But on the other hand, the film is cynical and sad, rather d life.
“This audience was brought up on television. Every year her mental level declines. ”
It is impossible not to select a panoramic video for the melodies of the greatest Gershwin. This is the highlight of the film.
The film is cozy, if you can talk like that about cinema, and although the point is not set, for some reason it is believed that only the best lies ahead.
And you can run in the rain on Manhattan to fascinating music.
9 out of 10
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